This is how you would include a json object in the memo field of a transaction.
// Create the JSON object you want to include in the memo
const memoData = {
invoice_id: '12345',
description: 'Coffee and Milk',
date: '2024-07-02'
// Convert JSON object to a string and then to hex
const memoJson = JSON.stringify(memoData);
const memoHex = Buffer.from(memoJson, 'utf8').toString('hex');
// Create the Memo field
const memo = {
Memo: {
MemoData: memoHex
const tx = {
TransactionType: "Payment",
Account: wallet1.classicAddress,
Destination: wallet2.classicAddress,
Amount: "1234",
Memos: [memo]
const result = await client.submitAndWait(tx, {
autofill: true,
wallet: wallet1,
To decode memos from a transaction, we retrieve the memo components and decode the hexadecimal data to a string, and then parse them.
Create this file in your project and import it as needed, when you are processing the transaction data.
export const parseMemo = (memos) => {
let report = {};
if (memos && memos.length > 0) {
for (const memo of memos) {
if (memo.Memo.MemoData) {
// Decode the hexadecimal memo data to a string
const memoDataHex = memo.Memo.MemoData;
const memoDataJson = Buffer.from(memoDataHex, "hex").toString("utf8");
// Parse the JSON string into a JavaScript object
const memoDataObject = JSON.parse(memoDataJson);
// console.log('Decoded memo data:', memoDataObject)
report = {, ...memoDataObject };
} else {
console.log("No MemoData found.");
return report;
} else {
console.log("No memos found in the transaction.");
export default parseMemo
Here is an example of a fully fledged transaction listener that can parse the memos from the transaction we created above.
replace the wallet address with the destination of the original transaction
import xrpl from "xrpl";
import { parseMemo } from "./parseMemo";
const serverURL = "wss://"; // For testnet
const walletAddress = "r...";
const main = async () => {
const client = new xrpl.Client(serverURL);
await client.connect();
// do something useful
const subscriptionRequest = {
command: "subscribe",
accounts: [walletAddress],
await client.request(subscriptionRequest);
console.log(`Subscribed to transactions for account: ${walletAddress}`);
// Event listener for incoming transactions
client.on("transaction", (transaction) => {
console.log("Transaction:", transaction);
const parsedMemos = parseMemo(transaction.transaction.Memos);
console.log("Parsed memo:", parsedMemos);
// Event listener for errors
client.on("error", (error) => {
console.error("Error:", error);
// end
// keep open